
Google Ads Specialist

Google Ads Consulting

Google Ads Expert

Google Ads Specialist

McElligott Digital Marketing specializes in managing Google ads for small businesses in the services industry and those in the industries needing advanced verification (Garage Door Companies, Locksmiths, and Plumbers).

We have worked with and get results for clients in the B2C, B2B, SaaS, and e-commerce industries. We’ll help you improve your Quality Score, lower your costs per conversion, and increase your leads and sales.


Are Adwords Consultants Worth It?

Working with an Adwords consultant can be very beneficial for you as the biggest reason is you’re getting a second unbiased pair of eyes reviewing your account and performance. This is always helpful even for Google ads agencies, as sometimes you just get too close or passionate about an account and miss some crucial details. 

Alternatively, some common issues we’ve seen and personally experienced as well with other Google ads consultants is that they have knowledge about the platform, but the information and recommendations are a few years outdated. Especially since June 2021, a lot has changed in the Google ads landscape and backend that you need to be actively involved in order to have up-to-date knowledge of the changes and how to best navigate these new changes. The biggest changes are the merging of keyword match types Modified broad and Phrase match, and the ongoing issue of Google’s “close variants” being questionable at times. Another is the new performance max campaign and what the best practices are in getting results. Finally, Google’s massive API update in March 2022 knocked out a lot of 3rd party software. 


7 Years Experience

We have been personally managing all of our Google ads accounts for 7 years now. We’re working in the Google Ads platform daily. 

$3.5 Million Managed

My wife and I personally manage over $3,500,000 annually in Google ads spend across all of our clients.   

Google Ads Expert

We manage dozens of clients in Google ads every month. We have a lot of long-term clients who’ve been with us for 3-7 years. 

Why Choose Us As Your Google Ads Consultant?

What sets us apart from many other consultants in the industry is that my wife and I personally manage all of our Google Ads clients. We handle dozens of accounts across various industries, overseeing a total monthly ad spend of approximately $300,000, including our white-label services for other agencies. We are directly involved in the detailed work and comprehensive analysis of each account to ensure optimal performance within each client’s budget.


Work Directly With Me

When you want to work with us or get a consultation, you’ll be working and talking directly with me, David McElligott. You won’t need to worry about talking with a salesperson just trying to upsell you and who can’t answer all of your questions. We want to provide a personal connection with all of our clients, so you don’t feel like just another number.


Google Ads Consultant Fees

For consultations, we don’t charge a fee, nor do we charge a fee to provide you with a personalized audit of your account with our notes and next steps and strategy. We provide our free consultations and audits as our time allows, so it may take a few days to a week, depending on our workload. 

If you would like us to make our recommended changes and monitor the account for a week or two and or hire us for monthly management, you can check out our management prices. 

Consultation / Audit

Google Ads
$ 0
  • Free Consultation
  • Free Account Audit

On Going Consultation / Audit Support

Google Ads
$ 50/hr
  • 1hr Consultation
  • Account Audit