
PPC Advanced Profit Calculator

To figure out how much you’re spending for clicks, use our easy PPC Calculator below. You may also calculate the amount of clicks or ad spend required to reach a specific PPC goal. If you’re wondering how to use the calculator follow the steps below:

  • Platform: Choose the platform that you want to run, either Facebook Ads, Bing Search Ads, Google Search Ads, or Google Display Ads.
  • Industry: Choose the industry category which matches closest to your company.
  • The calculator will automatically fill in the cost per click and the traffic conversion rates for the selected industry of your company and the selected platform you want to advertise. You can also change these values if you’re seeing different results after running your ads.
  • Monthly ad spend: Simply input the monthly amount you plan to spend on that platform.
  • Average sales price: Enter your products or services average sales price. This figure may change or rise over time for many businesses. Try out different scenarios, such as a new customer and a customer’ s lifetime worth.
  • Leads converted to sales: Input the percentage of leads that typically turn into sales, for ecommerce this value will usually always be 100% . Once entered then click calculate.

    On the right hand side (Or Below for Mobile) there are four different boxes with data. The First box with orange highlights shows the results from the platform you chose, the other 3 show the other platforms with their average CPC and CVR so you can compare your results with the other platforms.
    The boxes also display every platform’s average CPC and conversion rates for your industry on those platforms in their headers.  

**Update** We’ve added more specific service based, healthcare, and real estate industries into the list of industries

MDM PPC Profit Calculator


Total Clicks
Total Leads
Total Sales
Total Revenue
Total Profit

Total Clicks
Total Leads
Total Sales
Total Revenue
Total Profit

Total Clicks
Total Leads
Total Sales
Total Revenue
Total Profit

Total Clicks
Total Leads
Total Sales
Total Revenue
Total Profit

Please note all of these numbers are estimates based around historical results. Use them as a guide as your results will vary with the  ever changing markets.