benefits of email marketing

Benefits of Email Marketing in 2024

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Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing channels with considerable ROI and marketing success. The benefits of email marketing campaigns are that it delivers a high return on investment consistently as compared to other digital marketing channels, and targeted reach.

People engage more through personalized messages delivered through email campaigns. Compared to the traditional advertising channels, email marketing is less costly. Email marketing is important for all kinds of big to small businesses as it helps build trust and loyalty with the mailing audience.

According to Campaign Monitor, 64% of small businesses are using email marketing campaigns to reach their customers. 

Email marketing campaigns are measurable- you can track important metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This measurable data helps you optimize your email campaigns for better results. 

A study by Litmus in 2023 found that 87% of brands consider email marketing to be very important for the success of their business. Email marketing is adaptable to your marketing goals, and you have the flexibility to send emails to your audience at any time and run special offers, discounts, or announcements. 

In this blog article, you’ll learn the benefits of email marketing campaigns and how to reap the best benefits of email marketing for small businesses.

Benefits of using email marketing

With proper audience segmentation and prompt messaging, you can reap the benefits of email marketing campaigns for your business.

1. More traffic to your website

Almost every business with an online presence has a website, but getting visitors isn’t always easy. Email marketing can help bring people to your site.

You should include links in your email campaigns that lead back to your website. You can also share updates about your company, add links to your blog posts in newsletters, or give special discounts during festive seasons to drive more clicks. This way, subscribers can explore topics they care about or take advantage of offers.

Always remember to add a link to your website in your emails and invite your subscribers to learn more about your business.

2. Develop strong relationships with customers

Every successful business owner knows how important it is to connect with customers. But how do you build this connection? Try creating email campaigns that your customers find interesting because you’re not running campaigns for any algorithm but for people. 

With email marketing, you can communicate better, which makes your relationship with customers stronger. You can give them what they want and listen to their feedback, which builds loyalty.

Your customers like to feel valued, and sending regular emails is a great way to stay in touch. This helps you keep your existing customers happy but also attracts new ones.

3. You can customize audience outreach

With email marketing, you’ll find it easier to collect customer data and create campaigns for different groups. You can get useful details about their preferences and habits, which helps target your audience better than other digital marketing agency tools

For example, you can send a reminder to customers about items forgotten in their cart or share promotions based on products they’ve shown interest in before.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools for building brand awareness. They help you stay in touch with your audience through their inbox, using different designs to show your brand’s style in every email.

You can also add links to your social media pages, giving your audience more ways to connect with you.

Think of email marketing as a way to keep the conversation going. Sometimes, people find a brand they like but forget about it after leaving the website. With email marketing, you can remind them about your brand, helping them get to know you better, which builds trust and leads to more sales.

5. A specific contact list

With other digital marketing methods like social media and paid ads, your marketing strategies are affected by platform changes and algorithm updates. One month, your business might get a lot of attention on social media, but the next month, an algorithm change could lower your engagement. Also, since you’re not directly connecting with a set audience, it’s harder to stay in touch with people who were interested in your brand before. Social media popularity is not consistent, so you often have to start over and build a new audience.

But with email marketing, you can always reach your audience, no matter what changes happen on social media or other advertising channels.

6. Create personalized Content

Personalization is an unavoidable part of marketing today. A good email marketing strategy focuses on customizing emails for subscribers for better engagement and to build strong customer relationships.

Research what your audience wants to tailor even regular emails to make them more appealing. Personalization can be as simple as adding the recipient’s name in the subject line or using easy-to-read email templates, as well as messaging that fits different audience groups.

The benefits of personalization are clear- it leads to better engagement, higher click-through rates (CTR), and stronger customer connections.

Use these effective strategies to personalize your email marketing campaigns:

  • You should begin with a friendly touch using the recipient’s name, e.g., “Hello [First Name], this offer is only for you! 
  • Give a warm welcome to new subscribers, and provide them with useful content or links to popular articles.
  • Suggest new items based on previous purchases, e.g., “Since you liked  [Product], you might like these as well!”
  • Notify subscribers about upcoming events or exclusive offers, e.g., “ Join us at our [Place] event for special deals!”
  • You can follow up with customers who left items in their cart, saying something like, “Looks like you missed something, [First Name]!”
  • Reach out to subscribers who haven’t engaged in a while with emails like, “We’ve missed you, [First Name]! Here’s something new for you.”
  • Thank customers for their loyalty with offers like, “We appreciate your support, [First Name]. Have 15% off on your next order.”

7. Boosts sales and ROI

A promising benefit of email marketing is improving your ROI. To increase sales, run campaigns with discounts and special offers. This approach can be very helpful in the long run!

One useful type of email is the abandoned cart email. These emails remind subscribers who have added items to their cart to complete their purchase. For example, a food restaurant can use a subject line like, “Great choice! We’ve saved it for you.”

A Moosend report shows that abandoned cart emails have a 45% open rate, with 21% leading to clicks, and half of those result in a sale.

To boost your sales, send personalized offers that receive your subscribers’ attention. Try sending a nice birthday email to celebrate their special day or offer holiday discounts to loyal customers. Every effort counts!

8. Word-of-mouth marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is a useful marketing strategy for traditional and as well as current marketing approaches for businesses of all sizes. Email can make this type of marketing easy since subscribers can share your emails with friends or even ask them to join your newsletter if they find it useful.

To make this even easier, you can start a referral marketing campaign with a simple “Refer a Friend” button. Offering customers a reward or gift for successful referrals can make it more enticing.

You can also include a link to refer friends in the footer of your emails, next to important options like “Unsubscribe” or “Manage Preferences.”

9. Promotion of new products

Did you just launch a new product or service and want to make sure your existing and new customers know about it? Many businesses don’t have the budget for paid ads on platforms like Google or social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

The good news is that email marketing can help you reach your audience effectively. You can create targeted campaigns to connect with an interested audience. 

To increase the chances of your email being opened, write a clear and catchy subject line that lets people know what your message is about right away.

10. Capture an interested audience

One of the benefits of email marketing is that people need to opt-in to receive your messages. This means you’re reaching out to an audience that has chosen to hear from your business.

After someone subscribes, your goal is to keep them from unsubscribing.

Make sure to explain what they can expect from your emails and provide content that matches those expectations, so they get what they signed up for.

11. Helps your SEO strategy

You may not have considered search engine optimization (SEO) as a benefit of email marketing, but they can support each other. When a trusted external website links to your website, it can improve your SEO and show search engines that you are reliable.

Share links to your website content in your emails to increase the chances that someone will click on those links and share them.

12. Measurable campaign success

Most email marketing platforms have built-in analytics that help you see how your campaigns are doing. While each platform is not exactly similar, they typically let you track important information to measure your email marketing campaign success.

You can find out how many times your emails were opened, who clicked on links, how many emails didn’t go through, and the people who unsubscribed.

13. Diverse formats of email campaigns

You can use several types of emails to market your business, each with its own benefits. Here are some of them:

Welcome emails– These emails help you introduce your brand. Send a welcome email when someone subscribes or makes their first purchase. Keep it short, thank people for joining, and use their first name to make it feel personal.

Thank-you emails– Showing gratitude builds good relationships. Send thank-you emails after purchases or when a customer leaves a nice review. Also, write why you’re thanking them.

Newsletters– Regular newsletters keep your business fresh in customers’ minds and share important updates. Send newsletters once a month or every two weeks. Focus on helpful content instead of sales pitches in the newsletters.

Special offers– These emails drive traffic to your store. Send offer emails occasionally so your customers feel special. Include clear steps on how to use any discounts.

Lead Nurturing– These emails help guide your audience. Send welcome messages and follow up with personalized emails based on their interests.

14. Campaign Automation

Email automation makes marketing easier. You can ask your marketing agency to set up personalized campaigns to send automatically at scheduled times or based on subscriber actions. 

You don’t have to be an expert to create good copies,  just know what your customers want and when they need it. You can also automate moving subscribers between groups, so you don’t have to sort contacts for every campaign. Thus, you will spend less time on small tasks and more time on reaching your bigger business goals.

15. Control over campaign performance

You can only improve what you can measure. This is true for email marketing as well. 

Email marketing tools provide detailed reports on how well your campaigns are doing. You can see results in real-time and A/B tests on different parts of your emails, like subject lines, images, and calls to action (CTAs).

You can also track important metrics, such as how many people opened your emails, clicked on links, and made purchases. Adding sign-up forms and social media links to your email campaigns helps you gather useful information about your subscribers.


Email marketing is important for all businesses, big or small. To get started, you need a good digital marketing partner like McElligott Digital Marketing. 

We help you create personalized email campaigns that match your business goals. Since every business is different, we create unique customer experiences to boost sales. With us, you’ll build strong marketing strategies and connect with your customers. 

Make the most of email marketing benefits and reach your goals quickly.

Get a FREE email marketing consultation today at  (833) 772-4897.

Email marketing FAQs

1. What’s unique about email as a channel?

Email marketing campaigns have a high ROI as compared to other online marketing strategies. The best thing about email marketing is that you’re focusing only on people who have shown interest in your services or opted in to receive your messages. 

2. What are the business benefits of email marketing?

The benefits of email marketing are that it helps drive more traffic to your website, enables you to customize outreach, promotes new products and events, creates personalized offers, and campaign automation. 

3. Should I optimize my marketing emails for mobile devices?

As most people access emails on their smartphones or tablets, you should definitely optimize your email marketing emails for mobile devices. Make sure your content is clear, buttons are easy to tap, and images load quickly. 

4. Not sure which emails to prioritize?

You should start with welcome, newsletters, promotional, and thank-you emails, and later you can expand to others like abandoned carts or feedback emails as needed.

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