
Quora Marketing: Why and How to use it?

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Are you someone who has the expert knowledge to solve queries about your niche? Are you looking to develop an authority in your niche to answer questions? Are you looking for a marketing platform?

You have a simple and effective platform to do so. It’s Quora. Quora is a question-and-answer format-based social media platform that allows you to give solutions to people in your niche.

It is a platform to gain and share knowledge and connect with people who contribute unique insights and is a powerful platform for reaching your brand audience.

It started in 2009 and is now very popular with millions of questions and solutions available on the platform. 

Want to learn how to get the most out of Quora? Let dive deep – 

Quora: One of the safest platform 

Quora is safe from hackers, threats and is like any other social website on the internet. Moderators constantly check the website content to remove abusive and sensitive content. 

It offers an additional sense of security about the contents that it’s been solved by someone in the industry who has been for a long time or is interested in the topic. 

Quora platform also has an age requirement of 13 years which means that it can be accessed by teenagers who are not adults yet. 

There are chances that scammers can ask for your personal information like IP address, bank details, email id, passwords, and other credentials. 

If children insist on using Quora, always check for scammers’ messages and block the user entirely for security reasons. 

Set your profile to private and allow them to search age-appropriate educational topics and constantly remind them that all answers need not be correct. With all these precautionary Quora is safe for kids too.   

Can Quora be used for marketing? 

Many business owners doubt that quora can be used for marketing. Well, it can be. 

Quora can be effective for start-ups in getting their brand out. It can be efficient than any other social media as it focuses more on leadership content. 

Quora is one of the best options for marketing as its reach is about 300 million users every month. It can generate direct leads and high traffic to your websites and covers around 300 thousand topics. 

It also enables you to give direct answers about business, products, or services and can share content from other websites. 

Now that you know how effective Quora can work for marketing, let’s start with creating a profile. 

How to set up a Quora profile?

Setting up a Quora profile is simply signing up with the email address or by connecting your Facebook and Twitter accounts. 

Once that’s completed, you can create your profile. The created profile is user-friendly and can be edited and maintained like any other social media profile. You can edit your profile credentials, headlines, profile pictures, topics, and descriptions about yourself like any other social media account.

One important tip for driving traffic to your website from Quora is to include links in your profile to your main website or social accounts. 

Once the profile is ready, start typing keywords in the search box at the top, and Quora will give instant suggestions based on the keywords typed. This will navigate to a topic page that depicts related topics, most frequently asked questions. 

Just like any other social media profile, you can follow topics that interest you. Now that you have known the topic page, you need to click on the edit icon and add credentials to select a topic. You can describe your experience with each topic. 

Quora is the best fit for industries that have a lot of research from consumers. Some examples include finance, health, and wellness, blockchain, consultants, etc.  

What are Quora spaces? 

In Quora, you can select topics on which you can get answers and also ask questions on specific topics, whereas Quora spaces are communities that share common interests. 

Now, if you are a part of the space, you get notified about content and updates posted on the spaces feed. 

This is very similar to Facebook groups, and the only difference is that space owners can specify certain members who can contribute content and reply to questions. You will have to follow space to contribute content. 

Before we move to the actual ‘HOW’ part, let see why you should use Quora. 

Why use Quora for marketing?

Quora Marketing can be used for the following benefits that come with it –

  1. You can use it to establish yourself as a thought leader.
  2. It is one of the best ways to communicate with their target audience.
  3. It can help you to understand better what users want and need by asking questions directly.
  4. Provides an excellent way to give the best customers service.
  5. One of the best works is to do market research.
  6. Quora ads are beneficial to reach a wider audience.
  7. An excellent way to perform keyword research.

How can Quora be used for customer service and build reputation? 

Use the following steps to build a good brand reputation: 

  1. Make sure to pick questions you can confidently answer 
  2. Write detailed answers that prove to be helpful
  3. Try to include your experience in your answer. This helps to build trust 
  4. Try to maintain two-way communication by asking questions. (Example: Asking for feedback)

To maintain good customer service, problem-solving, creativity and resourcefulness, clear communication, product knowledge, and many other factors must be top-notch. 

Quora gives you an opportunity to score well in all segments. 

How to use Quora for marketing? 

Let’s begin without wasting time: 

  1. Find and follow topics related to your niche/industry. 
  2. Post thought-provoking questions and answers related to your industry that provide value to your consumers. 
  3. Remember to put links back to the content of your website only when appropriate. 
  4. Find people to connect with. It will help you understand the market, pain points of the consumers and eventually provide better insights to your target group. 
  5. Contribute to the boards of your niche. Share content that your industry users might want to follow. 
  6. Review your analytics to improve your marketing techniques. 

Remember: Always follow etiquettes to appreciate the help of people by clicking on the upvote arrow button beneath each answer. 

How do you get people to follow your niche on Quora? 

After your profile on Quora is ready,  you need to include information about your brand and your expertise in the industry. You can answer questions related to your industry to engage in conversations. 

You can also have Quora ads to increase traffic. 

Quora has paid ads that can be used for brand awareness, app installs, conversions, and generates leads for your niche.  

First, try to establish some thought leadership in your industry. 

Second, use content writing and marketing, and engaging methodologies to enhance your expertise.

Third, reach and influence potential customers with Quora advertising. 

Quora has different kinds of targeting. It allows advertisers to run contextual-based advertising placements (also called behavioral targeting) that target everyone based on what users have engaged with in the past or shown interest in. You can target based on keywords. 

Remember that you can only target keywords in questions and not in answers.

When you promote an answer, the accompanying question is highlighted and is paired to appear as an organic post in the feed. Now it will be tagged as “sponsored by,” followed by the company name along with the promoted answers only. 

Quora advertisers can create image and text ads. 


Now that we have an insight into Quora, how it can work for marketing, Quora spaces, let’s quickly recap how it can be used.  

Create a profile so people can visit your website to know more about you and your brands. 

Follow topics of your niche and answer questions to drive people to know about your expertise. Include a link when you find it appropriate so people can learn about your brand. 

Create and share content on Quora spaces about your industry that will let the Quora users follow. 

Quora answers can be considered as a shortcut for SEO. When your answers become the best solution, it is ranked top on the google snippet section. When you enter the snippet section, your brand shows up when the user searches for a question. 

Quora can help create brand awareness by redirecting the traffic with the help of links inserted into the website. A new additional feature to Quora marketing tools includes SEO data from google for every question and keyword. 

Now that overview of Quora is known, it is always advisable to use this for marketing as this is easy and effective.  

Comment below about your experience with using Quora!! 

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