
Google Ads Management Agency In Springdale Arkansas

Google Ad Campaign Build & Management

Google Ad Campaign Consultations

Google Ads Specialist

McElligott Digital Marketing specializes in managing Google ads for Springdale small businesses in the services industry, and those in the industries needing advanced verification (Garage Door Companies, Locksmiths, and Plumbers).  We have worked with and get results for clients in the B2C, B2B, SaaS, and Shopify industries.  

We actively build and manage multiple accounts for clients whose target is getting leads as their main goal.

We have completed extensive training and are continuously educating ourselves through both the platforms themselves as well as the top ads managers in this business who focus on quality over quantity. We build and structure each campaign to be the easiest to manage and test, we also set them up to be scale-able for when our clients want to increase their ad spend as they are seeing the return they want and/or are wanting to start additional keyword campaigns. This method, in turn, delivers the best results to our clients with the least amount of wasted ad spend money on worthless traffic to your website.

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Quick Facts

Advertising YOU Control!

WHO sees your ads.
Filter by demographics, interests, geo-location for targeting a locations radius, zip codes, counties, states, or entire countries. We can even show to previous visitors of your website by targeting them specifically using audiences!

WHAT types of ads you want to show.
Traditional search-style text ads, static images, animated images, and/or videos. 

WHEN your ads will show.
Add a schedule to only show your ad campaigns only during certain time slots and/or days. This can be based on office hours, or based on the statistics available for previous conversions.

WHERE your ads will show.
Search results pages, websites, YouTube, desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs. Heck we can even block specific websites from having your ads appear on them. Is your ad not for toddlers? Let’s block ABC learning channels and games!

HOW MUCH money you will spend on advertising.
There is a multitude of ways to manage spend. You can set a daily budget, you can set bids at the keyword and ad group level, you can even set bid adjustments for audiences and demographics. 

Our Technique

We focus on providing you with the most effective plan that will spend your ad money the wisest. Don’t be fooled, anyone can build you an ad campaign and put you in position 1, or say they can reduce your cost per click to $1, it’s possible, but there’s a catch. The catch is that these options will lead you to one end result, wasting A LOT of money.

We prefer to take a mixture of a both conservative and aggressive approach. The main goal isn’t trying to immediately hit number 1 nor is it getting the lowest cost per click. These two things are still goals, and will happen with time.

Starting out, we will keep you within the optimal ad position range of 2-4, this range has proven to still get a good amount of clicks and conversions. We try to reduce the overall cost per click, but only by focusing more spend on the keywords that perform the best as opposed to everything all at once.

Our Experience

What sets us apart from a lot of other agencies in the industry is that my wife and I manage all of our Google ads clients ourselves, managing over $3.5 million in ad spend annually (including our white label for other agencies).

We’re doing all of the grunt work and overview analysis of the accounts to make sure they’re performing as best as they can be within each client’s desired budget.

We’ve been working with Google for over 6 years now, and have seen a lot of the changes they’ve made over that period of time. There are a litany of new tricks and different ways to manage campaigns that a newer team may not have come across yet, so we take every change that Google makes with a grain of sand. Will their new options work? Perhaps, but perhaps not. Our experience has given us invaluable insight in this respect. 

Process From New Accounts To Long Term

  1. When we first get a new account we’ll do an initial audit to make sure everything is set up/structured well, and any areas needed for improvement we can optimize. We tend to look over 30 days, 90 days, and all-time metrics. We also prefer to use manual or manual enhanced bidding strategies to maintain the most control.
  2. Once initial optimizations are completed we’re monitoring and making adjustments on a daily basis until we feel they’re performing stably (getting good clicks, good impressions, seeing conversions come in, and most importantly a majority of the search terms are all relevant) This lasts a few weeks typically the first month.
  3. When we move away from Daily we then check in on a weekly basis, reviewing performance and making tweaks as needed. Each week is a different focus to provide enough data for each. Keywords, Ad Copy, Bids, Overviews are usually how we separate.
  4. We continually monitor keyword and ad copy performance, pausing underperforming keywords and ads and creating new ads based on high-performing ads, and new keywords based on search terms, competitor analysis, and Google keyword planner. We will also review high-performing keywords and make sure the website is accommodating them for a high-quality score, or improvements to the conversion rate.
  5. Periodically (maybe every 3-6 months, or after major changes) we’ll bring a weekly client back to daily checks for a week or two, just to make sure we’re not missing anything. Also every 6 months we’ll do a deep audit with our own unique audit form containing hundreds of potential fields to make sure we’re on track for the first half of the year and YOY, to verify we haven’t missed anything or any new settings Google may have snuck in.

Whats Included With Our Google Ads Management


We provide a weekly report sent out every Monday morning, as well as a monthly report sent out on the 1st of every month. We provide all the information you need to know how well your accounts are running.


Since we actively build and manage Google accounts, we get a first-hand look at how they should be structured and what attributes should be utilized to achieve the best performance for your campaigns. 

Our Ad Campaign setup or optimization checks and adjusts 15 points, these include

With this service, we also include up to 30 days of ongoing monitoring and adjustments to make sure your account is as optimized as possible when we part ways. 

Google Ads Management Fees

We like to be open and upfront with our fees. We offer a flat rate as that is easier overall, since we won’t need to recalculate the fee for every budget adjustment and you wont need to do math to know how much you’ll be charged each month.

Fees are calculated based on your total ad spend with Google or total number of campaigns. You will only pay one monthly fee.

Our fees increase as your ad spend increases past a certain threshold or your campaigns pass a certain number since it takes more effort and time to sort through incoming searches and properly allocate the budget to be spent for optimal results.

Please Note with the ever-evolving and changing landscape, we cannot guarantee results or specific performance, nor are we responsible for any accounts being suspended (we will help to appeal). We focus on quality relevant traffic which nearly always results in quality performance, we also follow all guidelines, policies, and procedures to assure compliance, suspensions can be random and false flags happen a lot and we’ve appealed and won all that were in compliance. 

Single Build

Setup or Optimization
$ 100-600 ONE TIME FEE


$ 250/mo Ad spend under $10K/mo or <10 Campaigns
  • We manage account at our defined schedule and pace (agencies)
  • Reports are sent out on a weekly and/or monthly basis
  • Communication via email, slack, monthly call
  • Our Standard image ad creation


$ 600/mo Ad spend under 100k/mo Or 10-25 Campaigns
  • We manage accounts on an agreed schedule (agencies)
  • Reports are sent out on a weekly and/or monthly basis with notes
  • Communication via email, your messaging platform, bi-weekly call
  • Our standard image and video ad creation


$ 1,300+/mo any ad spend any campaign amounts
  • We manage accounts on agreed schedule (agencies)
  • Reports are sent out daily, weekly and/or monthly with notes
  • Communication via email, your messaging platform, weekly call
  • Custom image & video ad creation

Single Build

Setup or Optimization
$ 50-200 ONE TIME FEE


$ 250/mo Ad SPENd under $2,000/mo


$ 350/mo Ad SPEND From $2,000/mo - $3,000/mo


$ 500/mo Ad SPEND From $3,000/mo - $5,000/mo


$ 800/mo Ad SPEND From $5,000/mo - $8,000/mo


$ 1,300+ Ad SPEND over $8,000

Please note that the monthly ad spend is per business and is a separate amount that is paid directly to Google. It does not include our fee nor do we get any part of it.