Content Marketing Metrics that Matter

Content Marketing Metrics that Matter in 2024

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Every business owner on the internet knows how important content marketing is to grow their business online. But if you ask, “How to measure content marketing success” you won’t find many concrete answers.

This is why it becomes necessary to have content marketing metrics that measure your online success. Having defined content marketing success metrics is better than is much better than asking, “When will my content marketing campaigns succeed”?

If you think content marketing success is subjective, you might be wrong. There are specific content marketing metrics that will inform you about the performance of your content. 

But at the same time, there are vanity metrics as well that give a false impression of good performance of your content. You need to be careful of such metrics as well. 

That’s why we bring to you this content marketing metrics guide that will tell you about the content marketing metrics to track that matter the most. 

Let’s dig in.

8 Content marketing metrics to track in 2024

Here are the 8 content marketing metrics that matter the most for measuring your content marketing success. 

Metric 1. Website Traffic

Everything comes after the website traffic: user engagement and conversions. 

Looking at how many people visit your site doesn’t tell you how well your content is doing. The important thing to watch is how the number of visitors grows over time.

Every website or blog gets different amounts of visitors. Some are better at showing up in search results, some have been around for a long time, and some can spend more money on advertising to bring in more visitors.

There’s no magic number of visitors that’s right for every website. Each site has its own goals and needs a certain amount of visitors before people start taking action, like buying something or signing up.

But every website does have one common goal: getting more visitors. If you’re doing a good job with your content, you should notice more and more people coming to your site over time. For this, you need to go along the content marketing trends that are ruling over the search result pages. This change in visitor numbers is a clear sign of how well your content is working, so it’s important to keep track of it.

A tool like Google Analytics breaks down visitor numbers into two types: users and sessions. Users are the unique people who visit your site, counting each person only once in a specific time period. Sessions count every time someone comes to your site, whether it’s their first visit or not.

Both of these numbers are useful, but what we care about is how the overall visitor count changes over time.

The easiest way to see this in Google Analytics (GA4) is by checking the traffic acquisition report under Life Cycle> Acquisition. This report quickly shows you how your site’s visitor numbers are changing, giving you a good idea of how well your content is doing.

If something is effective, it makes sense to do more of it. 

Learn from the best practices, gradually incorporate them into your approach, and also eliminate strategies that didn’t contribute to boosting your website traffic.

Metric 2. SERP Rankings

SERP, which stands for search engine results page, is like the stage where your website performs when someone looks for a particular word or phrase. It’s not a number you can calculate, but it’s a crucial sign of how well your content is doing.

When I search McElligott Digital Marketing, here’s what the result shows. 

If Google likes what you’ve written and thinks it’s important, you’re on the right track. 

Try searching using different words to see if your posts or pages pop up. If your content is really good, it might even get featured at the top of the SERP, known as “position zero.”

As you gather more links from other websites and your site becomes more recognized in your subject, you’ll likely notice your SERP rankings getting better over time. 

You can also try out different SEO techniques to see if they help you climb higher in the results. So, keep creating awesome content, gather links, and experiment a bit with SEO to see your website shine in search results!

Metric 3. Social Media Engagement 

On social media, you can see how well your posts are doing with analytics. This information adds extra insights to what your regular analytics platform shows.

The number of people coming to your website from social media can change a lot. It might be because of some news coverage or if someone popular talks about your stuff. This can bring more people to your site.

Good content is stuff that helps people. When you share something helpful, others might want to share it too. When they press the share button, it’s like saying to their friends, “This is good, you should check it out.”

People sharing your stuff also makes more people want to read your articles. When visitors see that many others are sharing an article, they think it must be valuable, so they’re more likely to read it. 

That’s why keeping track of social shares is important. Each share is a chance for your content to reach a new group of people outside your usual audience.

On platforms such as Twitter, you have the option to click on individual tweets for more detailed insights into the number of views and clicks.

When analyzing this information, consider the following-

  • Identify the platforms most effective in reaching your target audience.
  • Determine the times of the day with the highest levels of interaction.
  • Evaluate the types of content that encourage greater engagement, such as short posts, stories, videos, infographics, etc.

Strategic planning of your social media content is essential for achieving specific outcomes and directing diverse users to content that suits their preferences. 

For example, you may choose to direct Twitter users to your brand’s blog for additional information, while guiding LinkedIn users directly to a page where they can make a purchase.

Metric 4. Click-through-rate (CTR)

Click-through-rate (CTR) is a crucial content marketing metric that tells you how effectively your content gets people’s attention and encourages them to take action. It’s like a thumbs-up or thumbs-down for your content. 

A higher CTR means more people are not just visiting but actually engaging with your content by clicking on links.

Click-through rate (CTR) is measured by dividing the number of clicks on a specific link or element by the total number of impressions (views) it receives.

To measure CTR effectively-

  • Utilize analytics tools- Platforms like Google Analytics provide detailed insights into your website’s performance, including CTR. Track CTR for specific links or elements to understand user engagement.
  • Email marketing metrics- For email campaigns, email service providers offer CTR data. It’s calculated similarly, by dividing clicks by the total number of delivered emails.
  • Ad campaigns- In advertising, CTR is a crucial metric. Ad platforms like Google Ads or social media advertising tools provide CTR data, helping you assess the effectiveness of your ad content.

How to Improve CTR?

To make more people click on your content, focus on a few important things. 

First, create headlines and descriptions that grab attention and tell people why they should click. Make sure that when people click, they find what they expect on the page. 

Use clear buttons that tell people what to do, and make them stand out so they’re easy to see. Add interesting pictures or graphics to catch people’s eyes. Try different versions of your content to see what works best. 

Make sure your content looks good on phones because many people use them. Also, personalize your content to match what different groups of people like. 

Create content that fits the current trends or seasons. Keep an eye on how many people click, and use these strategies to make your content more interesting and get more clicks over time.

To improve CTR, focus on creating compelling headlines and descriptions. Regularly monitor your CTR data to understand what resonates best with your audience. Experiment with different elements like buttons and images to figure out what captures your audience’s interest.

Metric 5. Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a key metric that highlights whether your content is keeping visitors interested or if they’re leaving quickly. A high bounce rate suggests that people are not finding what they expected or your content needs improvement.

Bounce rate is a measure of how many people visit a website and leave without interacting further. To calculate it, you take the total number of single-page visits (where visitors only view one page) and divide it by the total number of entries to the website, then multiply by 100. 

The goal is to reduce this bounce rate, and there are several strategies to achieve that. First and foremost, create content that captivates and adds value to visitors, ensuring it aligns with what your headlines promise. 

Improve the speed at which your pages load, as a faster website, often leads to a better user experience.  Also, you need to identify and refresh outdated content to reduce the bounce rate.

Enhance navigation by organizing content logically, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. 

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, given the prevalence of mobile browsing. Clear calls-to-action guide visitors on their next steps, and opening external links in new tabs can keep visitors on your site. 

Optimize readability, use targeted keywords, and regularly update content to maintain relevance. 

Also Read: 10 Simple Content Creation Hacks To Stand Out In 2024

By implementing these strategies, you enhance user experience and encourage visitors to explore more pages on your website, thereby reducing bounce rates.

Reducing bounce rates involves optimizing your content structure, ensuring it aligns with visitor expectations, and providing a positive user experience. Analyze why visitors may be leaving quickly to make strategic adjustments for better engagement.

Metric 6. Keyword Rankings

Monitoring keyword rankings is one of the important content marketing metrics for making your content easily discoverable by search engines and, consequently, your target audience. It’s like ensuring your content is visible on a busy street. Your SEO success depends upon the prompt usage of keywords in the website and the content you publish. 

Regularly check how your content ranks for specific keywords and adjust your strategy based on trends. Use keyword research tools to identify relevant terms and phrases. Optimize titles, meta descriptions, and content to improve rankings and increase visibility.

Metric 7. Email engagement rates

Email engagement rates give insight into how well your audience is responding to your email content. It’s more than just open rates, it includes clicks and conversions, indicating the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Analyze different metrics to understand what parts of your email content are resonating with your audience. Personalization, segmentation, and visually appealing content contribute to higher email engagement. 

Experiment with diverse content formats to discover what captures your audience’s attention.

Metric 8. Sign-ups

Event sign-ups are a crucial content marketing metric because they directly measure the level of engagement and interest from your audience. 

When individuals willingly sign up for an event hosted or promoted by your brand, it signifies a deeper connection and a proactive commitment. This metric goes beyond mere content consumption, it reflects a willingness to invest time and potentially other resources, indicating a higher level of trust and interest in your brand or offerings.

For example, imagine a software company organizing a webinar to showcase the latest features of their product. The number of sign-ups for the event indicates not only the interest in the topic but also the potential for lead generation. 

Similarly, a clothing brand hosting a virtual fashion show and encouraging sign-ups can gauge interest in their upcoming collections.

Event sign-ups provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy. They showcase the ability of your content to resonate with your audience and motivate them to take tangible actions.

Let’s wrap up the content marketing success metrics guide.

Now that you know how to see if your content is doing well, we suggest making a simple list to keep track of the numbers over time. 

There aren’t specific numbers you have to hit because the internet changes a lot. What works today might not work as well tomorrow. Just focus on doing what you’re doing now, share valuable content, and try to keep your numbers similar each month. 

What numbers matter most to you when figuring out if your content is doing a good job?

If you don’t have the time and resources to spend to learn the intricacies of content marketing including SEO, you can rely on us to take care of all your content needs. At McElligott Digital Marketing, we have been helping businesses rank locally, and get more calls and conversions.

Book a FREE consultation today.


1. What are content marketing metrics?

Content marketing metrics refer to the various measurements and data points used to assess the performance and impact of a content marketing strategy. 

These metrics encompass a wide range of indicators, including website traffic, user engagement, social media shares, conversion rates, and more. 

They provide a comprehensive understanding of how well content resonates with the target audience and contributes to overall marketing goals.

2. Which metric is the most important with regard to content marketing?

Traffic is considered one of the most important content marketing metrics. Determining the most crucial content marketing metric depends on specific goals, but commonly, engagement metrics take precedence. Metrics such as click-through rates, time spent on a page, and conversion rates are often considered vital. 

They offer insights into how effectively content engages and influences the audience.

3. Why are content marketing metrics important?

Content marketing metrics play a pivotal role in shaping and refining content strategies. They provide tangible data on audience behavior, helping marketers understand what works and what doesn’t. 

By tracking metrics, businesses can optimize content for better performance, measure the success of campaigns, and align their efforts with overarching marketing objectives. Ultimately, content marketing metrics serve as a roadmap for making informed decisions that drive success in the digital landscape.

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