Google Ads For Restaurants

Google Ads For Restaurants 

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In today’s world, people are using online searches to find restaurants more and more. It is very important for a restaurant to have a strong presence in the digital space. Here comes Google Ads. This blog will provide you with complete details about Google Ads for restaurants – how it works, why it matters so much, and what benefits can be gained from using this advertising platform.

To you, who runs a restaurant or owns one, it is clear that getting the interest of the correct customers during appropriate moments can make a big difference in increasing your income.

As the world of restaurants keeps changing, it’s crucial to find ways that can aim at particular customers in an effective and budget-friendly manner. 

Why are Google Ads important for restaurants?

In basic terms, if you’re not using Google Ads to promote your restaurant, then it’s highly possible that other similar businesses are snatching away potential customers from you.

When a customer looks for your restaurant by name, they might still discover a rival or get directed to a delivery aggregator instead of going straight to your website. And this could be happening many times in one day without you realizing it.

Let us explore these tactics that will make your restaurant stand out without spending too much money!

Why Should You Leverage Google Ads for Restaurants? 

First, you need to know what exactly Google Ads is. 

Google Ads, which used to be called Google Adwords, is a search engine advertising service. It puts advertisements at the top of search results from Google and also on its Display Network – this means ads are shown across many partner websites.

Ads for restaurants could be made to aim at certain search terms or keywords, so they find and appear for the correct audience. Google Ads is a strong tool that can enhance your restaurant marketing plan and align with other activities in restaurant digital marketing.

Well, here’s why you should use Google Ads for restaurants. 

With Google Ads, you can achieve the following: 

Reach the right audience

Through Google Ads, you can aim specifically at your desired customers according to factors like location, age group, hobbies and even eating behaviors. This sharp focus strategy guarantees that the advertisement is seen by individuals who are probably interested in what your restaurant provides.

Boost local visibility

Google puts local businesses at the top of its search results, particularly for searches made on mobile devices. If you run Google Ads campaigns, this will enhance your restaurant’s presence in local searches and assist nearby hungry people to locate you with more ease.

Promote special offers and events

Do you possess a delicious dish or an event that is going to happen soon, both of which will make people’s mouths water? With Google Ads, it becomes possible to create focused campaigns for these promotions and encourage more people to visit your location during particular times.

You can even run remarketing campaigns from time to time to increase the efficiency of these apps. 

Drive online orders and reservations

People now find it normal to order food or reserve tables using a restaurant’s website. You can use Google Ads to guide customers towards your online ordering page or reservation system, making the process smoother and increasing sales on the internet.

Track and measure results

Google Ads is different from the old-fashioned methods of advertising because it gives you useful information about how your campaigns are doing. You can follow numbers such as the number of times an ad shows up, clicks on it, visits to a website, and even conversions (like making reservations or placing online orders) to understand what works best and improve results.

How Do You Use Google Ads for Restaurants?

 ”How do you use Google ads for restaurants” section 

You have seen an example of a good Google Ad for restaurants. Perhaps you are interested to know how you can aim at customers who are searching actively for their next meal. Here, we present the greatest techniques to enhance your outcome:

1. Set up your account properly (Google Ads Account)

Initially, you must begin with the account establishment of your restaurant in Google Ads. This typically necessitates creating a Google account if one is not already available and then registering for Google Ads. It’s important to complete all required details correctly when signing up, such as your business name, place, and contact information. Account setup is very important because it creates the base for your advertising work.

We have covered getting started with an account in our previous blogs that talk about Google Ads for Dentists and Google Ads for Therapists. 

2. Target restaurant searchers near your area

The most significant benefit of Google Ads is its capacity to target ads by location. Being a restaurant, your aim is to entice customers from the local region. Through utilizing Google Ads, you can arrange for your advertisements to only show up when individuals search for restaurants in an exact geographic area. This makes sure that the individuals who are most likely to come to your restaurant see the advertisements.

3. Bid on keywords with high search intent

The words that people type into Google when they want to find something are called keywords. You can bid on keywords that relate to your restaurant and the kind of food it serves. This will make sure your advertisements show up in the results when customers search for what you provide. But, how do you choose these specific keywords?

Local is the Priority: Keep in mind, that most of the searches for restaurants are related to location. Concentrate on adding keywords that aim at specific places where your audience resides. For instance, use phrases like:

“[Your City Name] + restaurants”

“[Type of Cuisine] + near me”

“[Restaurant Name] + reservations”

Move Past Simple Searches: Although searching with keywords such as “restaurants” might be appealing, they are not as focused. Aim for target terms that show a clear desire to eat out. The examples could be:

“Best [Type of Cuisine] near me tonight”

“io Restaurants with outdoor seating”

“[Restaurant Name] + menu”

Want more tips to increase your visibility? Get in touch with local digital marketers to increase the efficiency of your campaigns! 

4. Set your restaurant ad schedule

Setting Ads to Appear: With Google Ads, you can plan for your ads to show up at particular times. If you own a restaurant, it may be suitable for the ads to appear exactly when people are probably contemplating food. Let’s look further into the timing of setting your restaurant’s Google Ads to run:

Focus on peak operating hours

Target lunch and dinner rushes

The time when people are most likely to search for restaurants is when their stomachs start growling. 

Shift ad times to when individuals are probably dining out, like on Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day. Also, make exclusive ad campaigns that emphasize your holiday menus and special deals to attract customers.

5. Include ad extensions in your restaurant ads

The ad extensions are additional details that you can put in your Google ad. Maybe it’s the address of your restaurant, its phone number or links to certain pages on websites such as the menu and online reservation system. Similar to how a side dish goes well with your main course, these ad extensions make the ads for restaurants on Google even better by giving helpful details and boosting rates of clicking through. Now I will show you how to use various ad extension types to make your restaurant ads more appealing.

This includes location extensions, call extensions, sitelink extensions, and structure snippets. 

Different Types of Google Ads for Restaurants 

There are various types of ads that can help to promote your business. Here are some of them: 

Local map ads 

When users search for your restaurant, multiple sources are going to pop up on their screen. One of them is Google Maps. You need to leverage this platform because most of your customers are going to use it to find your restaurant. 

Using Google Maps to run ads is a good way for your company to become familiar within the local community. Essentially, it provides you with the option of showing off your store, cafe or office on Google Maps along with its address and contact details complete with a photo, customer reviews about your business, and a description. These ads present fresh opportunities that you cannot overlook.

Google Search Results Ads 

In Google Search ads, you, the restaurant advertiser, make a bid on keywords of your selection that are related to your business to promote it. 

You get charged each time someone clicks on your ads, this is known as cost-per-click (CPC). The person who clicked might be taken to your website or a call could start with your restaurant – it’s possible that driving directions are also shown.

Display ads 

Have you seen the ads that show up on the side panel of your screen when you are reading a news article or a blog? 

Yes, they are called display ads. 

These are the types of ads that show as images, videos or text on other websites or inside other Google channels not related to Google Search or Google Maps.

The most fitting comparison for Display Ads is similar to billboard ads on the highway. People come across these ads while they are looking at other sites. Unlike search ads, display ads do not focus on targeting through search keywords but rather use various signals such as interests, behaviors, demographics and machine learning to determine who should see your ad.

How much does it cost for a restaurant to run Google Ads?

When you promote your restaurant through Google Ads, the cost can change. It depends on many things like how competitive your keywords are, where you are geographically located and the total budget for advertising that you set up. Normally, businesses of small to medium size spend around $9,000-$10,000 every month on Google Ads.

For a basic understanding of how your ad is doing in comparison to competitors, we can consider these typical benchmarks for the restaurant .asfield:

Average Cost Per Click (CPC)

This is the typical amount you pay when someone clicks on your ad. In general, for restaurants, it is about $1.95 per click.

Average Cost Per Lead (CPL)

It is the normal amount you typically spend to get a lead, such as someone who might make a booking, or put in an online order, or join your email list. The regular CPL for restaurants is roughly around $34.81.

Average Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This shows the percentage of individuals who view you. mr advertisement and proceed to click on it. A greater CTR suggests that your ad is pertinent and attractive to its viewers. The typical CTR for a restaurant is approximately 8.65%.

Average Conversion Rate

This shows the number of people who both click on your ad and then do a desired action, like booking a table or making an order. For restaurants, their average conversion rate is about 5.06%.

Keep in mind, these numbers are only general averages. Your actual expenses can be different depending on your particular situation. Also, it’s crucial to understand that running an effective Google Ads campaign requires more than simply investing funds into it. To obtain the greatest return on your investment, it is necessary to continually test, monitor, and optimize. 

If you want professional services to take care of Google ads for Restaurants, we are just one call away. We have hands-on Google AdWords management experience and would love to help you out in maximizing your returns! 

Get an experienced Google Ads Consultant who can customize your ad campaign according to your needs. Contact us today! 


Is Google Ads worth it for restaurants?

Yes, Google Ads provides a good return on investment and is really worth it for restaurants to increase their brand awareness and visibility. 

Are Google Ads Campaigns Profitable?

Google ads are really profitable as they work on a pay-per-click basis. You only have to pay for the results you get. Making the campaign successful depends on the kind of effort you put into creating the campaign. 

Are Google ads or Facebook ads better

The decision to use either Facebook Ads or Google Ads depends on your company’s audience, industry, and business goals. Usually, for making sales, it is better to use Google Ads while if the aim is building brand recognition and customer interaction then go with Facebook Ads.

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