Web Design Tips to Grow Your Garage Door Company | McElligott Digital Marketing

Web Design Tips to Grow Your Garage Door Company

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Looking for a website design for your garage door company?

Luckily, you’re just at the place! We know that your garage door website is the virtual sales representative for your garage door installation company.

As such, your garage door website is capable of getting hundreds of leads and walk-ins to your office, and that too at a lower cost than what it would cost in traditional garage door marketing.

The garage door installation business is projected to have a market size of $384.2m, says a report by IBIS World.

A majority of garage door businesses see their business website as an online brochure. But know that it’s the one active face of your business, helping your customers reach out to you anytime they want.

A solid garage door website is the key to the success of your other digital marketing strategies as well. To make your marketing efforts effective and drive conversions- your website needs to be up, performing 24*7, and most importantly, visible.

Call us today at 833-772-4897 to speak with our garage door web design specialist from McElligott Digital Marketing. Or, put on the learner’s hat and keep reading to learn more about how to build an effective garage door website.

Why is a powerful garage door website important for your business?

Unfortunately, extra focus on SEO, PPC, and social media marketing often results in disregard for web design as a component of digital marketing. 

That does not lessen the significance of the website, though. It might be said that this is the core component of marketing that keeps people on your website. Your job is not done after your website visitors have clicked on your link. 

In essence, the game has just started. How appealing, effective, and relevant your page is to the visitor will determine how much time they spend on your website. 

Web design is something that decides whether the visitors are going to explore your website further or leave it altogether.

Here’s why your garage door website should speak about your business:

1. Build your brand awareness

Building your brand awareness is an important component of any type of marketing strategy. We know that you want your brand to be quickly recognizable, even if it’s locally operating. This makes people more likely to remember your company and consider it if they ever require the services you provide.

Building your brand is highly dependent on your website. Each component of your website, from your color preferences to your design aesthetic, affects the overall appearance and feel of the audience.

You can ensure that all of your marketing materials have a consistent look and feel by using your current branding. As a result, even if they aren’t instantly prepared to buy, your potential buyers are most likely to remember your brand for when they are.

2. A good website is the first impression of your brand

Your website may serve as a user’s initial impression of your company when they find your website after searching ‘garage door company near me.’ 

How a visitor perceives your garage door company is greatly influenced by the design you have executed on your website. Visitors won’t have a lot of faith in your brand as a whole if your website is old or out of the current, and they would simply go back to one of your competitors.

Your potential customers must have a positive initial impression of your company. 

Often, all it takes to build confidence in your business and convince visitors to remain long enough to explore your offerings is simply a professional, up-to-date design of your garage door website. 

3. Keep visitors hooked to your website

When someone visits your garage door website, you want to keep them there long enough for them to interact with your content or call-to-action(CTA) and discover your offerings. 

Whether or not visitors interact is heavily influenced by your web design decisions.

If your garage door website design is unattractive, visitors won’t stay on it for very long. This implies that you risk losing them as potential customers since they could leave before reading the content that has the power to convince them to pick your company.

Until they are ready to make an informed decision, visitors like to navigate through the website and look for information. A good website keeps them engaged. 

Web Design Tips for Garage Door Companies

By now, you are well aware of the impact of web design on your garage door business. You might be wondering how to improve your garage door website. 

Here are a few tips for building a successful website that converts.

1. Minimalist web design strategy

We tell our clients all the time to focus only on the essential elements of the website. 

A minimal design is oriented around simplicity, and it has been a buzzword recently. Think of minimalism as delivering more value with the least space or doing more with less. 

Would you like to give it a guess? What’s the purpose behind the minimal design?

Well, the purpose is simple as well- keeping things in style and interesting without overwhelming the viewer with too much content. 

You would love to browse those websites more which are straight to the point, without the unnecessary elements that make things confusing and overwhelming. 

Here are the pros of keeping a minimal design: 

  • Websites with minimal design can be shaped to be easily responsive due to lesser elements.
  • Loading time and overall website speed of the website increase due to fewer elements. 
  • Get seamless navigation driven through intuitive designs.
  • Minimalist design for your garage door website is SEO friendly as it is easy to crawl and get indexed by the search engines. 
  • Fewer problems to be fixed due to less complexity.
  • And finally, minimalist web design is in trend, and it is going to be here for some time.

Implement these tips for a minimal web design:

  • Make the user interface and the UI design simple.
  • Avoid using too many colors at once; use up to three colors. 
  • Keep the number of buttons less.
  • Try bold typography and a number of fonts. 
  • Let the white space be.
  • Don’t overdo the details like textures, color transitions, and shadows.

2. Make web design consistent with your brand

An essential component of garage door website design is branding. You create ties with your company straight away by utilizing your current logo and color scheme.

Executing branding will make it simpler to gain the confidence of visitors and establish your identity. The designs you produce throughout the website-building process can also be used in other components of your marketing initiatives. 

By employing the same color combination and typography for display advertisements as well as social media campaigns, you can make sure that people can quickly identify your company when they see it in more than one place.

3. Clear navigation

Visitors use navigation bars to get to the different pages on your website and information.

People may not go to the rest of the pages if the navigation is bad. They will leave your website if they can’t discover the information they came looking for. Whether or not visitors convert may be significantly impacted by making it simple for them to discover and consume the information they require.

There are a few possibilities for website navigation, but most of the time, making a horizontal navigation bar that spans each page is the one to go with. 

It should have any other sections that make sense for your company, as well as simple titles which you can find on our website as well like “About Us,” “Services,” and “Our Products.”

Add dropdowns with access to your site’s more detailed pages underneath each title. 

This will make it simple for visitors to immediately understand where to click, making them stay longer.

4. A consistent experience for users

All of the pages on your website should feel cohesive. A small amount of design variation between pages and some degree of uniformity in specific areas will make surfing feel more seamless.

However, this does not imply that each page’s configuration must be identical. The layout of your site should be intuitive as long as you stick to the same color scheme, fonts, and other design elements.

5. Clear and strong call-to-action

Having a clear call to action or CTA is another essential component of website design that makes it user-friendly.

The worst scenario is when a consumer decides they want to employ your company for garage door repair but cannot easily get in touch with you or get a quote. By implementing a strong and clear CTA, you can prevent such unpleasantness, that’s also bad for business. 

Your call-to-action should be prominent, but it shouldn’t be excessive or distracting.

Let McElligott Digital Marketing unlock your garage door website potential. 

Ready to build a website that is a marketing tool as well for your garage door company?

McElligott Digital Marketing can help.

Our creative web designers will help you get your website as a powerful tool for your brand. Get a results-driven website for your garage door company up and running in no time.

Call us at 833-772-4897 for a free consultation today!

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